Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Night Flashes

Jan 19th.   For all you ladies out there that are pre menopausal let me ask, do you have hot flashes?  Oh my heavens this is the worst.  Chemo, as you can guess, has done this to me and I'm not a bit happy.  These flashes happen all day but night time is the worst.  I probably wake up 4-5 times a night.  The funny thing about them is it's my head that sweats.  Nothing worse than a bald head with beads of sweat.  The doc said to always sleep with a hat on but there is just NO WAY.  The night sweats are a very unpleasant experience, when I get them immediately the blankets are throw off the bed.  As you can guess this may become a problem for Dan....and the dog, which yes sleeps with us.  I guess if I can't sleep I'm going to make sure no one else in the house sleeps either.  Of course, this burning up feeling is followed a few minutes later by the chills so then I have to gather up the blankets and bundle up.  Poor Dan is going to catch a cold going from warm to cold every hour or so.  I think the dog has even started sneezing. 


  1. I get those...I had my first one at work and I felt like my entire head was on fire! lol! You are describing them to a tee!

  2. I think I have had a few of them as guess that means we are just "too hot!!" lol...
