Friday, May 20, 2011

Thank You

May 20th I'm not sure that I have been expressing my gratitude and love lately for my friends and family.  I think it's been a while since I have told everyone how much I love them.  I will never be able to repay all that has been done for me over the last 7 months.  Maybe my answer for this disease is that it has put life in perspective.  Not because of the things that have been given to me, which is so overwhelming I'll never be able to explain, but because of the love that I have seen by so many.  The love that is given is not all due to me I'm sure.  It's due to the kind hearts of those around me.  If anyone ever thinks that our world has gone to hell then take a look around my small but magnificent group.  Why God has been so generous as to put these people in my life I will never know.  I know that I will try for the rest of my life to repay them.

1 comment:

  1. Patti,

    Great to stumble on your blog! Best of luck with your journey! Have you heard about FAMEDS fight against the FDA to continue to allow Avastin to be on-label for the 17,500+ women with metastatic breast cancer that the drug is working for? Please sign and share our urgent petition to save these women!
