Nov 9th Communtiy Hospital... again. The radiologist is getting to know Dan & I by sight. The test today is called Muga. That doesn't even sound like a real test. If I didn't know better I would think the doctors are making up stuff, or at least names of tests :) This one was fairly easy in comparision. The worst part for me was having to be there at 6:30, yes that''s right, AM. I normally am just barely crawling out of bed at that time of morning. Did you know that I69 has no traffic on it at that time of morning? I thought that interstate was busy no matter what time of day.
This day consisted of another IV. Lucky for me I don't bruise easily. I thought the nurse would be able to use the port the doctors put in but she said it hasn't been "accessed" yet so she wanted to let my Oncologist do that. Oh well, what's one more needle stick, right?
This test is to check my heart valves. Now at this point in my life I have a very strong heart, but they have to keep an eye on it though because of the drug they use during chemo. The radiologist explained that chemo is a form of poison. The poison has to run thru my entire body even though the cancer is only in my breast & lymph nodes. Hmmmm, I thought when I was a child my mom said not to ingest poison???? Apparently poison can have side effects on other parts of my body, faulty heart valves, arthritis... yea that sounds about right. Well one illness at at time. Conquer one and move on.
I went to the store today also. The cancer manuals they give to me give you a list of things to buy to help with the side effects of chemo. Yes, that right, cancer maual. Apparently, cancer comes with an instruction manual. hahahahha There's even a toothpaste they recommend. Dry mouth seems to be a huge deal during the treatments as well as a couple of other not so fun things. The books give a lot of good advice
Have I mentioned what a gigantic support system I have. I get cards, texts & voicemails everyday. I knew I like a lot of people but boy talk about surprised when I found out they like me back LOL. It's so wonderful. My friend Amber, that owns a nail salon, gave me a pedi & mani last night, Dawn & the girls at the call center at work have ordered breast cancer bracelets to support me. Dee made me snacks for when I'm feeling tired after chemo, Christie made me soup and Barb gave me a free haircut. I know this isn't everyone, just a few of the wonderful people in my life. If I had to list everyone and everything that's been done I would run out of room. My family has also been a source of strength for me. My sisters, my sisters in law, aunts, these women are the heart of my family. Without them we wouldn't have the wonderful family that I cherish so much. Thank you to everyone. I love you all.
I am truly blessed.
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