Monday, November 29, 2010


Nov 29th   I know it's not Thanksgiving but I missed it by a little this year.  Well not entirely just the day.  My sister and brother in law brought us a fantastic meal.  They brought it to us on Wednesday night.  Smart thinking.  The day of chemo I usually feel pretty good until about bedtime so this gave us a little time to have dinner.  Both boys were home and we all sat down and ate together.   I didn't get to eat a whole lot due to all the fun chemo gives you the first night of treatment, but what I ate was wonderful.  Dan & the boys made up for what I didn't eat.  I always love to watch them eat,  It's like an art form :) 
This year instead of our usual prayer at dinner, you know most familes have one, I had to really think about what I'm thankful for.  Of course, I'm thankful for the usual, about also maybe the unusual too.  I'm thankful for Dan.  My mom always told me that God sent Dan to us.  He was needed.  I need him and the boys needed him and I know with all my heart that we always will.  He completed our family and filled a large hole.  For this I will always be grateful.  I'm thankful my boys were both home for the holiday this year.  Usually I'm thankful they have jobs, lol, but this year....I'm just glad they're home.  This year I'm thankful for my job.  Not only that I have one but that the one I have has given me an extended family that I will always cherish.  This year I'm thankful for my family... sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles etc.  Not that I have them but because even though we live far away from each other I still consider us close knit.  I'm thankful that we are involved in each others lives and are not strangers.  I'm thankful for my inlaws.  They really aren't inlaws, they are my family.  I could never have asked for a more loving family to come in to.  They opened their arms and hearts and have always made me feel that I am truly a part of the family.  I'm thankful for Dan's job.  Wow, where would we be without it.  Kinder Elec is not only a job though, it's also part of our extended family.  There isn't a person there that I don't truly love.  Last but not least, my friends.  All of you that don't fall in the "family category".  You are my family each and everyone of you.  I am so blessed.  I think this illness has taught me the greatest gift that we can have in life is our family.  Without it we have nothing.  All the good health and great wealth are nothing without the people in our lives that we share it with.


  1. Patti,
    I always feel uplifted every time I read your blog.
    I'm amazed at how strong you remain. You are truly an inspiration to me. I really mean that. I feel surely whatever is worrying me at the moment is nothing compared to what you are going through....And yet you stay so positive.
    Please know I am here if you need anything. Even if you just need to talk. Love you

  2. Love the haircuts! My first thought....OMG, it's Lucas! I think it's the most awesome thing that Dan joined in the fight. Stay strong and we love you guys. You are truly an inspiration Patti. I second your friend's comment (whatever is worrying me at the moment is nothing compared to what you are going through....And yet you stay so positive.) Because of you, I now take a moment to pause and think, is this really worth getting upset over? The answer always comes back NO!

  3. What a beautiful post. You are such a good writer. We were talking about that at work yesterday. I miss you so much. I am thankful for you... and thankful for your blog. Thanks for the updated picture. You and Dan look great !

  4. I love the picture of you and Dan! Hang in there and let me know if you need anything

    Love and Hugs!

  5. Omg Patti! I missed the picture when I was on here last night. I love your haircuts!!
    Miss you!

  6. I love the picture of you and Dan as well. I super missed you at Thanksgiving this year. You're such a fighter and an inspiration to us all. I am so greatful that you're my auntie :) I hope to see you at Christmas. Jason and I might just drop in before then. Love ya xoxoxo
