Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Today is the day

Nov 10th  Well it's here.  The big C day,   I seem to say "Big C" a lot lately.  It's stands for several things...chemo, cancer, crying, and mostly chaos.  Wow, what a crazy 2 weeks.  On to new adventures. 
I have updated my blog to add a couple of pics.  Thought you might all like to see in pictures what's going on.   Let me know what you think.  I like reading your comments.  I really think this blog has helped me so much.  It's a great way to express my thoughts.  Don't always take everything I say, however, as how it is.  Sometimes my feelings are out there and once I write them down I can make sense of them.  I know confusing right?  As most of you know, my norm is to speak before thinking.  Michael told me I may get a book deal out of it when I'm finished. hahaha, always the comedian.  Hmmm wait, maybe a movie,  Sandra Bullock to play me, no Halle Berry, have you seen the haircut :)  JK. 
Well back to today.  I think I'm ready.  Bought everthing on my list, have spoken to a friend of mine that has breast cancer also, and got some good tips from her and after a panic attack yesterday and calling my terrific HR person,  I'm all prepared.  Didn't go to girlscouts for nothing.
Lisa, my HR rep, went over, AGAIN, my benefits.  I wonder how many times she'll have to explain them to me????  Really all and all ELFCU has great benefits.  I guess I never paid attention to how the insurance, heaven for bid, or the disability worked.  I think we'll be good.  Gotta love Anthem and someplace called RMS Disability.  Maybe next year when we discuss our insurance enrollment options I'll listen better:)  My boss, Shelly, assured me my job will be held for me and I can work off and on if I'm feeling up to it.    Can't beat that with a stick and of course there's always Dan.  Shhh, don't tell him I said that :) 
Did I mention earlier that I do feel blessed, even going thru all of this, or maybe because of this.  Sometimes it takes an act of God to show you what you have.  At least for those of us that can't take a hint or stop to smell the roses, and you all know who you are.  lol
I'll try to write more tonight or tomorrow depending on how I'm feeling.  Heck, Michelle and Rock talked about going out, hmmmmm maybe this weekend?  I'll let you all know. 
Love you all.


  1. Patti, There is not a moment that passes that I don't think of you. You are the strongest person I know. You will get thru this. Fight like a girl!! We got your back! Love you,

  2. Bracelets are going like hotcakes!! May need to get more!

  3. Hi Patti! I hope your appointment went well today. I too am sporting a bracelet to support you! I also wanted to let you know that i have 2 weeks off at Christmas, and would love to help any way I can. Even if you just want to have a girls lunch or something. Just let me know. We all think about you every day! Stay strong and remember we all love you so much!!!
