Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Race for the Cure

April 16th  Today was the Race for the Cure.  My friends Amber & Christie worked so hard to form a team for me.  Patti's Tata's.  Appropriate name don't you think?  However, maybe it should have been called Patti's No Tata's :)  We had a great turn out of walkers.  The weather was miserable so I was really surprised to see so many people.  I prayed really hard that the rain would hold off and it did.  The power of prayer right?   I had never been to the walk before, WOW!  I think they said that 40,000 people was the final count.  Isn't that amazing.  There were even participants that have been survivors for  40 years +.  I also spoke to many women that were like me, new survivors.  My heart was heavy with one lady.  I would say she was in her 20's.  So young and she had a little girl around 2 years old.  She was a 3 1/2 month survivor.  She has stage 3 like me but hers was also in her spine.  I just haven't thought about how such young girls can get this horrible disease.  She was very up beat and said the doctors have a handle on it.  I think of her often and hope everyone will put her in their prayers.  That little baby girl needs her mommy. 
I didn't actually walk this year.  Still having a few issues with my feet, but next year watch out.  Maybe I'll run it.... yeah right. hahaha  My sister and Celeste walked around with me to all the different booths.  Lots and lots of booths.  We didn't get to all of them.  As slow as I walk by the time we got to some of them they were packing up.  We ended up walking to the finish line so that we could applaud our team as they crossed the finish line.  
Thank you to everyone, walkers and donors.  This team, this walk couldn't be possible without everyone.   I truly felt very loved.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Patti, So very sorry I was not there...I loved seeing all the pictures. You look so beautiful and radiant. I will say a prayer for the young mom you mentioned. As always, let me know if you need anything. Love you!
