Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Recovery, not for the weak.

April 6th  Recovery is going well.  I have started to use a pulley that Dan put up on my closet door.  My right arm is pretty close to normal.  It still gets tired fairly easy and I'm not suppose to lift anything with it yet.  My left arm.... well that's a whole other story.  Wow,  I would never have thought the recovery would be this painful.  I guess I shouldn't have been surprised.  I mean when you have your armpit rummaged through to find the lymph nodes I guess it can make it a little sore :P And talk about ugly, I guess armpits really aren't too pretty anyway but now.....well I guess my armpit won't be doing any modeling anytime soon :) 
There is no sign of lymphodema yet which is a big plus.  Maybe I'll be one of the lucky women that doesn't get it.  Lymphodema is a condition that mastectomy patients can get.  For a better term, elephant arm.  Wouldn't that be a pretty picture.  The surgeon said that your hand can increase by 2 or 3 ring sizes.  I am however, refusing to get that.  Hey, Dan bought me a gorgeous wedding band and I am not having it re sized.   I told Dr Cam that he had better find a way to prevent it.  I cannot be bothered with a huge arm.  I mean, come on,  I can't afford to buy new clothes.  Hmmm, I wonder if you can buy a shirt with 2 different arm sizes anyway. hahaha.
 I am having trouble finding shirts to fit right now though.  Most of them are either too tight around my arm,  it's still uncomfortable for my right arm, or too big around my chest.  I try to always wear a jacket and scarf,  just so the poor fit isn't as noticeable.  I'm sure the only one that notices is me anyway but I find myself uncomfortable in public.  I'm not sure what I will do if the weather gets any warmer.  I already find myself sweating with so many layers.  I'll be the only one you see with shorts, flip flops and then 2 shirts, a jacket and a scarf.  Talk about a fashion statement :)
My hair has started coming back in.  I look a little like Demi Moore in GI Jane, well from the forehead up :)  It's pretty gray but really soft.  Hopefully, I won't even have to wear a bandana soon.  If I do need more chemo I want them to do it soon while my hair is still very short.  I don't want to go through that whole loosing my hair thing again.  That was such a messy process.  I'm not sure who shed more, me or the dog.   The vet uses ShedX on dogs, I wonder if it can be used on humans..... maybe a new invention hahaha


  1. You crack me up!! I get visuals when you describe yourself and I sit here and literally LOL! Hang in there, you're on the way down the hill now. Smoother sailing ahead! Love you!

  2. Patti, you are a hoot! I have been thinking about you so much! I can't wait to see you and that contagious smile of yours!

    Love & Hugs!

  3. Patti,
    You are so positive. I just love you. You continue to be my inspiration.
