Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chemo, good or bad?

Jan 10th.  I've made a decision about chemo, I don't care what kind of medicine your using it's all bad.  Okay, it's not really bad since it's killing the cancer but how it makes you feel... YUCKY!!!.  I spoke to Dr Whitaker about stopping the treatment but that was a definite NO.  He said that we need to be sure that if the cancer has spread to any other organs that we catch it now.  Makes sense,  I guess :)  I will tell you that the nauseousness was much better but unfortunately replaced, however no vomiting, that's a good thing.  The thing I need to always remember is this is chemo...it is a poison.  The good thing, only 3 treatments left.  By the end of February this part will all be over.  I can surely handle this until then.   God doesn't give you anything you can't handle, right?
One other thing that has been happening is skin peeling.  I swear I look like a snake that is shedding it's skin.  I'm sure between the extremely cold weather and the medications I don't have a chance.  I should have bought stock in baby oil, I'd be rich right now, hahaha.  The good thing... I don't have to shave so at least this isn't adding to it.  Even my head is peeling.  When I pull my wig off there's so much flakiness it looks like it's snowing.   I wonder if I can just say I have dandruff.  Do you think anyone would wonder why a bald women has dandruff?  :)