Monday, December 13, 2010

A Holiday Bug

Dec 13th.  Wow, this has been a long weekend.  Chemo has never been my friend but add a stomach virus to the mix. OH MY!!!  Talk about kicking your booty.  I haven't had the flu in years and I don't think I ever want it again. I'm banning it from this moment on.   I'm sure with the kind of patient I am that Dan feels the same way.  Cranky is probably a good term for my attitude :)  I'm beginning to feel a little like myself but it's slow going.  I get so aggravated at myself because there is so much I want to do.  I love the holidays but don't feel like I've got to enjoy them much.  I would love to do my baking that I enjoy so much but right now the smell of cookies baking,,,,yuck :(  What a great diet this is. hahaha.  I'm sure this will pass as all things do but it better make it quick.  I've got things to do. 
Do you ever wonder how things can seem to be going so great and in a matter of hours can turn around. Maybe it doesn't really turn it just strays off into a new path.  I mean life is an adventure right?  You must take each and every step put in your way.  I guess taking the step isn't the problem huh, it's how you take them.  How do I handle the obstacles, the same way I handle the joys... with full force and enthusiasm?  Joys are always easier to handle I admit.  Maybe the trick is to find joy in the obstacles.  What's the old saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade".  Corny I know but a lot of truth also.  Maybe the obstacles help you to not take the joys for granted.  They make you appreciate what you have.  Maybe the joys are just a little sweeter when they don't come so easy. 
I think the key for me is to live my life the best way I know how.  To be the very best person I can be.  To love my family and my friends with every beat of my heart.  To take each day and appreciate it.  To thank God for giving me another day and all that it brings.


  1. Those pesky bugs seem to be everywhere this season...I am so sad to hear you had to deal with that...

    I will try to make you smile now...

    Picture Pat...You should see him, Mr Germophobe...he carries around hand santitizer in his pants pocket and uses it like every 5 minutes... If we are in a store shopping and he touches something-quick- out some the sanitizer!! panics when he has to use the pen to sign the electronic keypads in really sorta cracks me up...You and I have talked about how funny he is that way!

    I'm thinking about you...hang in there.

    Love & Hugs!

  2. Sure do miss you Patti. Hang in there! Love you
