Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Unable to Hold On

Dec 29th  It is SO hard for me to type so this is going to be short.  My new side effect.....blistered hands.  Wow do they hurt.  I'm typing by only used the very tip of my fingers.  It's really about the craziest thing ever.  I am virtually unable to do anything.  I can't hold a fork, barely type, I can't even hold the remote controller or pour a cup of coffee.  I'm sure this, as with everything to do with chemo, will go away but let me tell you it exhausting.  I try to laugh about it, laughter's good medicine right?  Well sometimes that's easier said than done.  I think I'll talk to Dr Whitaker about stopping chemo and just go forward with the surgery.  I'm sure that's probably not going to work but it's worth a shot.  Life is so short, way to short to be sick for months.  I guess the good thing is that it's winter.  If it were spring I would really have cabin fever.  I love the sunshine.


  1. Hi Patti, hang in there! You are such a strong person and I know you can do it! If there is anything you need or could use, please let me know. Chris and I check and read your blogs constantly, and your words are amazing. You are motivating so many people! Stay strong and please let us know if we can help any way. Remember we love you very much!!!

  2. Thinking of you and sending my love...

    Please let me know if you need anything!

  3. I'm thinking of you, Patti! You're a fighter. Don't you forget that!

  4. Patti, Hang in there honey. I wish I could take the pain away. I love you very much.
