Sunday, November 21, 2010

What is normal?

Nov 20th  I went to lunch with my girls today.  It was so great getting out of the house and doing something different.  Something normal.  We met at BJ's at Greenwood mall.  One of my favorite places.  Not sure if I told you but the doctor told me that my tastebuds will change during chemo.  Some of my favorite foods and drinks will no longer be my favorite.  Well I've found one  Oh believe me I've tried just to be sure, but oh my, it's nasty.  I haven't really tried a lot.  One glass Friday night and another at BJ's.  Isn't that a strange thing to be effected?  Oh well I guess if that's the worst thing right?  I have notice other foods that don't quite taste the same...milk, cereal,donuts & coke but alcohol is the worst.  Taste like metal.  I guess all this wine I've been collecing will just wait until summer. 
I tell you though, when I got home I was so tired.  Probably just for the reason that I haven't really gotten out and gone anywhere since starting chemo.  I think sometimes the more you sit around the more you want to sit around.  I know that sounds like there's an easy fix for it but sometimes I just don't want to get up and move.  Well I go from the bed to the couch and then in about an hour or two I take my little trip and go back to the bed :)  I figure I'm getting my exercise just going back and forth.  lol. 
This was a pretty good weekend.  I've felt closer to my old self than I have in a couple of weeks.  I even put makeup on :)  One thing about feeling better is I'm able to help around the house.  Poor Dan, he's taken it all on, cleaning, cooking,  laundry.  He's has been so great thorough all of this.  This weekend though I'm getting some things done.  Can you believe how happy I am to do a little housework.  No sweeping due to the port but dishes and laundry.  Don't I sound excited?  Is that sad or what.  Chores make me happy HAHAHAHA
Now don't ask me ask me about it next weekend...I'm sure it won't last.

I'm adding a couple of pics of gifts that I have received from people.  It's just a couple.  I have received SO many.  I think when I get gifts from now on I'm going to take a picture right then so I don't forget. Well I probably won't photograph the food :)
Thank you again to all of you.  I don't think I could do this without you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Patti! Glad you were able to get out :)

    Let me know when a good time for you would be for me to come and help out with whatever you need :)

    Love and Hugs!
